A visit by an apostle. It was a big thing here.

The man in the middle is the assistant Minister for education in the country. It was a big deal to get a meeting with him. We ended up making plans for a partnership to improve many of Liberia's worst schools. The man on the right is brother Moses Slamie. He is in a stake presidency in one of the five stakes in the country. He set up the meeting. Elder Christofferson came into the country for a one-day visit. It was a big thing here. It has been 6 years since the last visit from an apostle. He started off having a meeting with the missionaries. The missionaries came in from all around the country. This is all 160 of them. We met in the local stake center. It's a nice new building. Notice all the fans on the ceiling. No Air conditioning. The missionaries all got here early so they would be ready when he came. They are an interesting group of people. Most of the African missionaries are from Nigeria or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Currently there are four from Tonga a...