Gathering Place

We have been given responsibility to help with a program in the church called, the Gathering Place. The church has organized different vocational training classes on the subjects of electricians, beauticians, tailoring, entertainment planners, pastry baking and computer skills. They meet at the church. The church provides the instructors and the training equipment and supplies. In the case of pastry baking the church supplies the oven, utensils and food ingredients. In the case of tailoring the church supplies the sewing machine, thread and materials. In the case of the computer class they supply all the computers. Because of the poverty in the country the church is supplying everything or else many people would be excluded. The classes are once a week and last for 4 hours. At the end of the class the church provides a meal. The picture above is the students in the electrical class. The day I took all the pictures there was a heavy rainstorm and a large political rally which cut attend...