Christmas In Liberia

The first groups of 85 farmers graduated their three day training class that taught them how to farm more effectively and how to market their crops. Even though many Liberians have been farmers for generations, they don't know how to farm well. We contracted with a group from a local university agricultural department to teach them. The 85 were divided into two training sessions and we have two more to go in the next couple weeks Each participant received a bag of fertilizer, a watering can, a hoe, seeds, pesticide, and a pesticide sprayer. The hope is they use their new knowledge and their new tools to raise an effective crop. They then sell the crop and use some of the proceeds to buy more supplies. We'll be able to see how effective this project was in about four months. The last few mornings have been cool in the low to mid 70s. We went for a walk on the beach. This is about 1/2 mile from our house. The pig was alive. We had a senior missionary get together dinner at the m...