Temple trip to Ghana

On Monday afternoon we traveled with 16 Members from the Cotton Tree branch to the temple in Accra Ghana. All of them, except for the branch president we're attending the temple for the first time. They were there to receive their temple endowments and for the different families to be sealed together for eternity. We along with another missionary couple, the Blanchards, were assigned to be their escorts and guides. All except for one of the Africans had never before been out of their country or on an airplane. We had to show them how to do basic things such as entering and exiting an escalator. With the one exception none of them had ever been inside of an airport. When we got to the apartment accommodations by the temple we had to show them how to operate their air conditioners and how do control the hot and cold water for their showers. They were all intelligent people it's just that they have not been exposed to much of the modern world. Fortunately they were at the temp...