Mission training Week 1 in Provo Utah

Here's where we're going, Liberia Africa. We leave from Salt Lake City on Monday January 16th and go on a 20 hour plane ride with 7 hours of layovers.

The mission Training Center cafeteria. The food isn't too bad. There's always a lot of energy in the room.

This is the big meeting room where they have all of the devotionals in. It fits all the missionaries at once. Every Thursday we have a devotional with a general authority. This week was the new Relief Society General president, Camille Johnson.

It is cold here. It snows sometimes. The nights are in the high 20s and the days in the mid 30s. We're inside so it's not bad but it does keep you from walking around outside in your free time.

There are 180 senior missionaries here at this moment. They arrive and leave every week. We are here for 2 weeks.

For this first week our training is in the preach my gospel manual. It is what the church has designed to help missionaries share the gospel and to help missionaries develop practices and traits which allow them to be conveyors of the spirit of the Lord. We met in small groups called districts.  Even though we will not be directly proselyting we were enrolled in the training to help us be effective representatives of the church when the opportunities present themselves.

Going from left to right they are the Greenhllghs who are going to Australia.  Us.  The Kanes who are going to Indonesia. The Hobbs who are going to Alabama. The Andersons who are going to New Zealand. The Homers who are going to Kenya. On the front row are our instructors.  Brothers Pierce, Karra, and Monroe.

This was really a nice group. Everyone was friendly, thoughtful and kind. We made nice friendships with them.

As part of our training to be teachers we did some role playing where we taught some lessons and got some feedback from people from other classes. This is Sister Davis and Sister Turner. They are two single sisters that will be serving together in the Washington DC mission. In their careers they both served as lobbyists in the National government.

We taught each other lessons, gave challenges and then received feedback on how we did.

This is Ken and Diane Wallace.  They were in our Ward for many years. He remodeled our kitchen. They are going to England. She will be the mission nurse and he will work in the mission office.

Overall this was a great week. This is an interesting place to be. I felt inspiration. The spirit of the Lord flows abundantly here.


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