Today was the first time we traveled on our own to a destination were we only had very minimal instructions and had to figure it out as we went. In addition to the difficulty of finding the destination our route was blocked and we had to take some detours. We got stuck in a busy Marketplace and couldn't turn around. Luckily a helpful traffic control officer got some of the vendors to move their tables and we were able to turn around and head out.

Our destination was a district school office of which we had only modest instructions. Somehow we found it, met with the district commissioner, and got his signature on a contract so we could start to improve one of his schools. He then took us to the school to introduce us formally. The district commissioner is on the left in the bright striped shirt. The people in the background are police officers. The school is used as a voter registration place and the policeman are there during the registration time. The second officer in is holding a shotgun.
The district commissioner is over 230 schools but with a student population of only 3000 students. Most of the schools are small Village Schools that only have a handful of students and are taught by volunteers. This is one of his larger schools with several hundred students.
President Malpah of the Barkley farms branch asked Cheryl and I to provide leadershiptraining to the leadership in his branch. What a challenge. They can't understand everything I say. Their culture is totally foreign to me. Some of them can barely read. Most have been members of the church only a short time.
I hope we were inspired on how and what we did. I'm not sure I'll ever know if I actually taught them anything and if they retained it. I felt like it was beneficial to them. We did a lot of group conversations and role-playing. At least we provided some good snacks.
The weather app on my phone said that in the little village we were meeting in it was 94° with 100% humidity with an effective real temperature of 104. I was sweating a lot.
Here's a picture of some of the children in primary.
This is our apartment laundry room. These machines are both washers and dryers combined in one. The dryer part doesn't work very well so we have to hang out the clothes on racks afterwards
We've been so thankful for the number of nice eating areas close to us. This is a restaurant in the hotel Murex that is in walking distance. We ordered the Lebanese platter. Cost was $20. It was good. We would order it again.
So wonderful! What a great work you are doing!