The jungle was flooded

We had a visitor from Church headquarters and also one from our area headquarters in Ghana that came out to look at some of the past projects. They're trying to determine if old completed humanitarian projects have been sustainable over several years. We were out in the jungle for 3 days mostly on dirt roads. On the last day it poured rain. We were on muddy dirt roads and had a lot of pretty deep water crossings. It was fun. We were part of a three-car convoy so I didn't worry about getting lost or stuck. Luckily everyone made it through but sometimes the water was up to the bottom of our doors on our high profile four wheel drive Toyota pickup. All of the villages are organized with a formal leadership structure. There's usually a village Elder, a village leader, a head woman and other types of officers. They all have a gathering area. The villages are so rural that they have very little manufactured materials. This is where they all come together for their village meeti...