Another week of new experiences

On Sunday on our way back from Togo to Ghana the bus driver thought his brakes were overheating so he pulled over.  As we were getting off the bus there was a loud bang and one of the tires blew out. We were so fortunate that we were right in front of a restaurant that had a nice outdoor patio. It was perhaps the best place to stop along the entire route that day. We were so blessed.  We could have been on the side of a dusty road in the middle of nowhere in the heat for hours. Fortunately there was a repair shop close by and so we stayed in the restaurant for 2 hours and then got back on the bus.

We stayed overnight in Ghana at the Dunn's apartment. Our fellow humanitarian missionaries. They were the ones that organized the trip.  They are the same ones we went on the safari with and will be going to Victoria Falls with. They are really nice people.

Two days after Our trip to Benin we had an overnight senior missionary Activity at the La Basa Resort which was about an hour and a half from our house. It was a beautiful place.

The food was great. Other than it being a little warm outside was wonderful.

This was where we stayed. Because we had just been on a vacation we got the cheap lodging at $125 a night. The others stayed for $250 a night in treetop lodging. We were close to the pool and had a view of the ocean

Nice room other than there was no air conditioning. There was a fan but with the heat and humidity it was not very comfortable. We slept all night with the doors open which didn't seem to matter because we had the mosquito net down.

On the second day we went kayaking. Cheryl chose to be the photographer instead of a participant.

I made my way back to the room using the vines.

On Saturday we helped oversee the delivery of food supplies to three local hospitals to feed the burn victims from the week before. Unfortunately the death toll has risen from 45 to about 89. There doesn't seem to be much hope for those who are badly burned.  

The church seemed to be the only organization that was in a position to provide immediate help for the disaster. It has taken a week but now the government has taken over the care and support.

We were out in the heat a lot. Cheryl had to sit down for a while.

 We have spent a lot of time with fellow missionary couples over the last couple weeks. These are really good people. They have sacrificed their convenient lives back home so they can come and help in Africa. Everyone has a great attitude.


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