Another sad disaster has struck the country

This is a lady in the Harbel Branch. Cheryl found her a pair of reading glasses that was her correct magnification. She was quite happy. Every Saturday we sweep and mop all the tile floors in our apartment and on our balcony. They are surprisingly dirty. This time of year there's lots of air pollution from burning of fields and dust because it's the end of the dry season. I have to change the water in the bucket about six times because it gets so dirty. The balconies are really bad. We never have our windows open and yet it gets dirty inside. This was the temperature during our church time today. 90 degrees with a feels like temperature of about 108 degrees. Luckily they had fans inside of the building so there was a little relief. The surprising thing is that some members of the branch had suit coats on. When we get home from church we are tired. Ansu Dulleh, the executive director of the National Disaster Management Agency made an appointment with us to get acquainted. The...