Big traveling week


We drove eight hours to Jackson Doe hospital for the ceremony to conclude our humanitarian project with them. About three hours each way were on dirt roads. Driving on dirt roads is not fun anymore.

It was a nice ceremony in front of the hospital with the administrators. I was asked to speak and it was recorded for a news broadcast. It is available on Facebook at

This is one of the two operating tables we donated.  They were so anxious to receive them that within thirty minutes of their delivery there was a patient being operated on one of them.  We donated a wide variety of equipment such as incubators, warming tables, X-ray equipment, ultrasound equipment, and a laser scalpel. Altogether there was thirty two pieces of equipment.

We took a trip to Victoria falls. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. It was impressive. The waterfall is about one mile long.

The sound from the water was thunderous. The falls are about three hundred feet tall and create a lot of mist. We were soaked at the end of the tour.

More of the falls.

This is a statue of the famous Doctor Livingston who discovered the falls for the western world. When he met up with a group searching for him they said the famous line "Doctor livingston I presume".

We are staying at a very nice hotel. This picture was taken from our balcony. We are in Zimbabwe and surrounded by jungle. We are on the trip with Elder and Sister Dunn who are fellow humanitarian missionaries.  They are the same couple we went on the safari with.

This is the view from our balcony. The last 2 nights we slept with out the air conditioner on and could hear the jungle sounds through the screen. We have to keep the screen shut and locked so the monkeys do not enter the room.

We are doing lots of tourist stuff. We took a boat tour of the Zambezi river that divides Zambia from Zimbabwe.  We took a bicycle tour of the city of Victoria Falls. Tomorrow we're taking a helicopter tour of the falls and tonight we have a special dinner which includes entertainment.

These are vultures. They feed them scraps from the hotel each day.

The food has been great.

Sunset on the Zambia river.

The plane ride here was challenging. We went from Liberia to Ghana to Kenya to Zambia and finally to Zimbabwe. Zambia was a two hour detour because the Zimbabwe airport was closed due to a bomb threat.  In total about thirteen hours flying time.

Sister Chuma was on our plane to Kenya.  She was returning home from her mission in Ghana to Malawi.


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