We got out into the Countryside

These are rubber trees on the Firestone rubber plantation. All of the members of a branch we visited today live on the plantation in company housing. They have no inside plumbing. These are some of the few good jobs in the country and the workers seemed grateful to have them. These are some of the primary Children of the Harbell branch. This is right after sacrament meeting. All of the chairs were full during the meeting. Notice the fans on the ceiling and the walls. No Air conditioner. It was a little toasty inside. The worship service was wonderful. I could understand about 50% of what they said, which was enough to piece together the meanings. Cheryl and I were asked to come up and give our testimonies. The two meeting speakers spoke on the second coming of the Savior and the millennium. They were doctorally sound. They also confirmed two new members. The two missionaries here teach a lot and baptize a lot. We went for a Saturday run. Part of the run was on the beach. These men...